January 2023 - June 2025
Rotenschtreich PhD Scholarship from the Israeli Council for Higher Education (2007-2011)
Rothschild Yad Hanadiv Postdoctoral Fellowship (2012)
January 2023 - June 2025
Students & Postdocs
Adva Peretz, Water voles (w/ Shai Meiri, 2018- )
Ghavin Deonarain, Faunal remains from Tel Kabri (w/ A. Yassur-Landau). 2020-
Tal Lavi, Faunal remains from the Cave of Skulls (w/ Ignacio A. Lazagabaster). 2019-
Uri Wolkowski, Hartebeests in the Southern Levant (w/ Meirav Meiri and Nir Sapir)
Hagar Reshef, Faunal remains from Ain Zippori (w/ Guy Bar-Oz) 2018-
Nehora Schneller Pels, Mesowear analysis of Later Holocene faunal assemblages from Israel. 2020-
Sierra Harding, Animal Mobility in the southern Levantine coast from the Iron Age to Late Antiquity. 2021-
Ignacio A. Lazagabaster (deadsea_eco, paleontology, 2019-20)
Natalia Égüez (deadsea_eco, stable isotopes, 2020-21)
Valentina Rovelli (deadsea_eco, aDNA, w/ Meirav Meiri, 2021-22)
Asaf Oron (deadsea_eco, conservation, 2020-)
Shlomit Bechar (Bronze Age storage and resilience, w/ A. Yasur-Landau, 2020-21)
Laura Strolin (zooarchaeology of the Incense Route, w/ Guy Bar-Oz, 2022-)
January 2023 - June 2025
Research Grants
Modelling Anthropocene Trophic Cascades in the Judean Desert Ecosystem (ERC-Stg, 2019), https://sites.google.com/view/deadsea-eco/home
The Zooarchaeology of Southern Phoenicia (ISF, 2020)